God is amazing. As if you didn't know that. It just amazes me how if we will just stay out of the way, He really will provide everything we need. And often times, even many things we want! The problem lies in whether or not our "want to" lines up with His will.You may know that one of my very dear friends gave me a gift certificate towards an Ipod for Christmas. Totally over the top of what friends are supposed to do for Christmas, by the way. And just a tad humbling. I have a hard time accepting big stuff like that. But anyway, what a blessing. I have been hanging on to this gift certificate storing away money like a squirrell to be able to get the rest of it. I was on Apple's website the other day just kind of seeing what was out there to see how close I was getting. Well, they just happened to have refurbished (by Apple themselves) Nanos, 4 gb (holds 1000 songs!) for a mere $99.00. The regular price is $199.00! A need? Probably not, but definitely a want that will make the walks a little bit easier! Thank you God. It should be here tomorrow. And it's blue. Very representative of Living Water if you ask me!Part of the training schedule are two days a week of cross training. I may have mentioned at some point that I have never really followed through on an exercise program before, so I don't really know what that means. One day I kind of did some random exercises for about 20 minutes, but it just doesn't feel very productive. The next weekend at church, one of our friends was looking for a place to store his Bowflex machine. Amazing? I think so. Need? Probably not. Definitely a want. Thank you God. Now to figure out how to use it!Last week was official Week Two. 100% complete. Thank you God!Yesterday was Day one of Week Three. Cold. But no rain. Thank you God! Amazing Grace indeed.
Well, last week was officially "week 1" and I thought I was going to accomplish 100% following the training schedule.....and then my youngest daughter got sick. Hmm. I wonder if the training schedule allows for bumps in the road like that?I've been a bit entertained in thought. The purpose of my doing this half-marathon is to raise money for water. And nearly every time I walk, it's raining. Or as soon as I finish it starts raining. A little irony? Godincidence? I guess if nothing else it keeps me focused on the "prize" so to speak.I also have set for myself a new potential goal. And that would be to run a full marathon by the time I'm 50. Very weird to see THAT number in print! I've shared it a few times with people in the last several days, but I've never typed it. I gotta say it looks a little different than it sounds. 50. Yikes.I am enjoying this little journey. I've had some nice walks and some nice conversations with some nice people. I am really blessed to have the people in my life that I have. Even people who aren't walking with me in the half-marathon but that are willing to just walk with me to help keep me going. Richard. Jenny. Thank you! Your support means a lot.I learned something too. I thought I needed/wanted a pedometer. I'm not sure why, but I did. Don't really need to count my steps. It's more minutes and miles. But I asked for one for Christmas and got one. It didn't work. So I took it back and got another type. This one didn't stay working so I took it back and got a stop watch! And then I promptly forgot it today when I went on my walk! This clearly takes change in mind set. I only in the last couple of years started remembering to bring my cell phone everywhere! Next? IPOD!!Bring it on!
So, I guess the Christmas season wasn't the best time to think I could actually get going on this! It has been three weeks since I have done anything (well except eat lots of junk). I admit defeat and am now ready to get REstarted! Technically I'm still ahead of schedule to be on track but by less than one week. Phew. At least I didn't miss it!Christmas is truly the best season of all. Well, Easter is what really covers us, but it's tough to even imagine that God, in all His mercy, decided to come to earth, wrapped as a human simply for the reason of saving us. Too hard to get my head around, really. On a much less significant note, because of Christmas, I am a little more prepared to go out and train for this half marathon. I have a new pedomenter, am on my way to owning an Ipod and even have my first donation to the cause!I'm heading out this first day of 2008 at 3:00 to get back on track. If you're thinking of joining us, you will want to get started. I'm told that even though it's only (only?) a 13.1 mile walk, it will require mucho stamina. Since I've never followed through on an exercise program in my life, it's time to get started.Will you be joining us?